Our database provides comprehensive information on approved and investigational drug-indication associations. Approved drug-indications are sourced from RepurposeDrugs, which utilizes a semi-automated pipeline and ClinicalTrial's API, while investigational indications are extracted from the ChEMBL database. We have compiled ~1,600 unique drug-indications, mapping them to Unified Medical Language-Concept Unique Identifiers (UML-CUIs) available at DisGeNET. These indications are further aggregated into 25 classes for easier navigation.

The image on the right shows the dataflow we used to retrieve the indication data.

Indication information retrieval flow

Search by Indication name, Indication class, associated Drug name or ATC code

Examples: Radiation Pneumonitis;

Random indication examples

Indication name Indication class Indication_UML_CUI Associated drug(s) ATC code
for drug)
Phase of clinical study Association study Drug-indication network
Mental and Behavioral Disorders Due to Use of Cocaine, Unspecified Mental and Behavioral Disorder Mental Disorders C0349141 Biperiden (id: DB00810) N04AA02 3 Ref Go to network
Methadone (id: DB00333) N07BC02 3 Ref Go to network
Modafinil (id: DB00745) N06BA07 3 Ref Go to network
Naltrexone (id: DB00704) N02AA56 3 Ref Go to network
Nefazodone (id: DB01149) N06AX06 3 Ref Go to network
Pergolide (id: DB01186) N04BC02 3 Ref Go to network
Selegiline (id: DB01037) N04BD01 3 Ref Go to network
Topiramate (id: DB00273) N03AX11 3 Ref Go to network
D-Serine (id: DB03929) None 2 Ref
Acamprosate (id: DB00659) N07BB03 2 Ref Go to network
Acetylcysteine (id: DB06151) R05CB01 2 Ref Go to network
Lidocaine (id: DB00281) S01HA07 2 Ref Go to network
Amantadine (id: DB00915) N04BB01 2 Ref Go to network
Amphetamine (id: DB00182) N06BA01 2 Ref Go to network
Aprepitant (id: DB00673) A04AD12 2 Ref Go to network
Aripiprazole (id: DB01238) N05AX12 2 Ref Go to network
Baclofen (id: DB00181) M03BX01 2 Ref Go to network
Benzatropine (id: DB00245) N04AC01 2 Ref Go to network
Ritanserin (id: DB12693) None 2 Ref
Bupropion (id: DB01156) A08AA62 2 Ref Go to network
Buspirone (id: DB00490) N05BE01 2 Ref Go to network
Cabergoline (id: DB00248) N04BC06 2 Ref Go to network
Caffeine (id: DB00201) R03DA20 2 Ref Go to network
Candesartan (id: DB13919) C09DA06 2 Ref Go to network
Cannabidiol (id: DB09061) N03AX24 2 Ref Go to network
Carbamazepine (id: DB00564) N03AF01 2 Ref Go to network
Carbidopa (id: DB00190) None 2 Ref
Carvedilol (id: DB01136) C07AG02 2 Ref Go to network
m-Chlorophenylpiperazine (id: DB12110) None 2 Ref
Risperidone (id: DB00734) N05AX08 2 Ref Go to network
Citalopram (id: DB00215) N06AB04 2 Ref Go to network
Cocaine (id: DB00907) S01HA01 2 Ref Go to network
Cycloserine (id: DB00260) J04AB01 2 Ref Go to network
Desipramine (id: DB01151) N06AA01 2 Ref Go to network
Dextroamphetamine (id: DB01576) N06BA02 2 Ref Go to network
Diphenhydramine (id: DB01075) D04AA32 2 Ref Go to network
Disulfiram (id: DB00822) P03AA04 2 Ref Go to network
Donepezil (id: DB00843) N06DA52 2 Ref Go to network
Doxazosin (id: DB00590) C02CA04 2 Ref Go to network
Entacapone (id: DB00494) N04BX02 2 Ref Go to network
Escitalopram (id: DB01175) N06AB10 2 Ref Go to network
Fluoxetine (id: DB00472) N06CA03 2 Ref Go to network
Galantamine (id: DB00674) N06DA04 2 Ref Go to network
Guanfacine (id: DB01018) C02AC02 2 Ref Go to network
Ketamine (id: DB01221) N01AX03 2 Ref Go to network
Labetalol (id: DB00598) C07BG01 2 Ref Go to network
Lamotrigine (id: DB00555) N03AX09 2 Ref Go to network
Levetiracetam (id: DB01202) N03AX14 2 Ref Go to network
Levodopa (id: DB01235) N04BA03 2 Ref Go to network
Lisdexamfetamine (id: DB01255) N06BA12 2 Ref Go to network
Lorazepam (id: DB00186) N05BA56 2 Ref Go to network
Lorcaserin (id: DB04871) A08AA11 2 Ref Go to network
Mazindol (id: DB00579) A08AA05 2 Ref Go to network
Memantine (id: DB01043) N06DA52 2 Ref Go to network
Methylphenidate (id: DB00422) N06BA04 2 Ref Go to network
Mifepristone (id: DB00834) G03XB01 2 Ref Go to network
Mirtazapine (id: DB00370) N06AX11 2 Ref Go to network
Nimodipine (id: DB00393) C08CA06 2 Ref Go to network
Ondansetron (id: DB00904) A04AA01 2 Ref Go to network
Perphenazine (id: DB00850) N05AB03 2 Ref Go to network
Progesterone (id: DB00396) G03FA04 2 Ref Go to network
Propranolol (id: DB00571) C07FX01 2 Ref Go to network
Reserpine (id: DB00206) C02LA51 2 Ref Go to network
Ropinirole (id: DB00268) N04BC04 2 Ref Go to network
Sertraline (id: DB01104) N06AB06 2 Ref Go to network
Tacrine (id: DB00382) N06DA01 2 Ref Go to network
Tetrahydropalmatine (id: DB12093) None 2 Ref
Tiagabine (id: DB00906) N03AG06 2 Ref Go to network
Tryptophan (id: DB00150) N06AX02 2 Ref Go to network
Varenicline (id: DB01273) N07BA03 2 Ref Go to network
Venlafaxine (id: DB00285) N06AX16 2 Ref Go to network
Vigabatrin (id: DB01080) N03AG04 2 Ref Go to network
Yohimbine (id: DB01392) G04BE04 2 Ref Go to network
Atomoxetine (id: DB00289) N06BA09 1 Ref Go to network
Clavulanic acid (id: DB00766) None 1 Ref
Clonidine (id: DB00575) S01EA04 1 Ref Go to network
Dexmedetomidine (id: DB00633) N05CM18 1 Ref Go to network
Fenfluramine (id: DB00574) A08AA02 1 Ref Go to network
Lisuride (id: DB00589) G02CB02 1 Ref Go to network
Lofexidine (id: DB04948) N07BC04 1 Ref Go to network
Metyrapone (id: DB01011) V04CD01 1 Ref Go to network
Midazolam (id: DB00683) N05CD08 1 Ref Go to network
Nicotine (id: DB00184) N07BA01 1 Ref Go to network
Phenytoin (id: DB00252) N03AB02 1 Ref Go to network
Pramipexole (id: DB00413) N04BC05 1 Ref Go to network
Quetiapine (id: DB01224) N05AH04 1 Ref Go to network
Rivastigmine (id: DB00989) N06DA03 1 Ref Go to network
Samidorphan (id: DB12543) None 1 Ref
Tolcapone (id: DB00323) N04BX01 1 Ref Go to network
Vanoxerine (id: DB03701) None 1 Ref
Zonisamide (id: DB00909) N03AX15 1 Ref Go to network
Schizoaffective Disorder Mental Disorders C0036337 Aripiprazole (id: DB01238) N05AX12 4 Ref Go to network
Metformin (id: DB00331) A10BD23 4 Ref Go to network
Olanzapine (id: DB00334) N05AH03 4 Ref Go to network
Quetiapine (id: DB01224) N05AH04 4 Ref Go to network
Risperidone (id: DB00734) N05AX08 4 Ref Go to network
Ziprasidone (id: DB00246) N05AE04 4 Ref Go to network
D-Serine (id: DB03929) None 3 Ref
Amantadine (id: DB00915) N04BB01 3 Ref Go to network
Bexarotene (id: DB00307) L01XX25 3 Ref Go to network
Buspirone (id: DB00490) N05BE01 3 Ref Go to network
Fenretinide (id: DB05076) None 3 Ref
Lorazepam (id: DB00186) N05BA56 3 Ref Go to network
Pramipexole (id: DB00413) N04BC05 3 Ref Go to network
Raloxifene (id: DB00481) G03XC01 3 Ref Go to network
Zonisamide (id: DB00909) N03AX15 3 Ref Go to network
Bifeprunox (id: DB04888) None 2 Ref
Cholecalciferol (id: DB00169) M05BB09 2 Ref Go to network
Cycloserine (id: DB00260) J04AB01 2 Ref Go to network
Dexmedetomidine (id: DB00633) N05CM18 2 Ref Go to network
Estradiol (id: DB00783) G03FA16 2 Ref Go to network
Glycine (id: DB00145) B05CX03 2 Ref Go to network
GTS-21 (id: DB05708) None 2 Ref
Icosapent (id: DB00159) None 2 Ref
Serine (id: DB00133) None 2 Ref
Varenicline (id: DB01273) N07BA03 2 Ref Go to network
Aripiprazole lauroxil (id: DB14185) None 1 Ref
Ceftriaxone (id: DB01212) J01DD04 1 Ref Go to network
Encenicline (id: DB11726) None 1 Ref
Midazolam (id: DB00683) N05CD08 1 Ref Go to network
Modafinil (id: DB00745) N06BA07 1 Ref Go to network
Moxifloxacin (id: DB00218) S01AE07 1 Ref Go to network
Sapropterin (id: DB00360) A16AX07 1 Ref Go to network
Schizophrenia Mental Disorders C0036341 Aripiprazole (id: DB01238) N05AX12 4 Ref Go to network
Clozapine (id: DB00363) N05AH02 4 Ref Go to network
Escitalopram (id: DB01175) N06AB10 4 Ref Go to network
(6R)-Folinic acid (id: DB03256) None 4 Ref
Haloperidol (id: DB00502) N05AD01 4 Ref Go to network
Lurasidone (id: DB08815) N05AE05 4 Ref Go to network
Olanzapine (id: DB00334) N05AH03 4 Ref Go to network
Paliperidone (id: DB01267) N05AX13 4 Ref Go to network
Quetiapine (id: DB01224) N05AH04 4 Ref Go to network
Risperidone (id: DB00734) N05AX08 4 Ref Go to network
Ziprasidone (id: DB00246) N05AE04 4 Ref Go to network
D-Serine (id: DB03929) None 3 Ref
Acamprosate (id: DB00659) N07BB03 3 Ref Go to network
Acetylcysteine (id: DB06151) R05CB01 3 Ref Go to network
Agomelatine (id: DB06594) N06AX22 3 Ref Go to network
Alprazolam (id: DB00404) N05BA12 3 Ref Go to network
Amantadine (id: DB00915) N04BB01 3 Ref Go to network
Amisulpride (id: DB06288) N05AL05 3 Ref Go to network
Amitriptyline (id: DB00321) N06AA09 3 Ref Go to network
Ascorbic acid (id: DB00126) G01AD03 3 Ref Go to network
Acetylsalicylic acid (id: DB00945) B01AC06 3 Ref Go to network
Atomoxetine (id: DB00289) N06BA09 3 Ref Go to network
Bexarotene (id: DB00307) L01XX25 3 Ref Go to network
Bifeprunox (id: DB04888) None 3 Ref
Biperiden (id: DB00810) N04AA02 3 Ref Go to network
Blonanserin (id: DB09223) None 3 Ref
Bromazepam (id: DB01558) N05BA08 3 Ref Go to network
Brotizolam (id: DB09017) N05CD09 3 Ref Go to network
Bupropion (id: DB01156) A08AA62 3 Ref Go to network
Buspirone (id: DB00490) N05BE01 3 Ref Go to network
Carbamazepine (id: DB00564) N03AF01 3 Ref Go to network
Chlorprothixene (id: DB01239) N05AF03 3 Ref Go to network
Cholecalciferol (id: DB00169) M05BB09 3 Ref Go to network
Citalopram (id: DB00215) N06AB04 3 Ref Go to network
Clobazam (id: DB00349) N05BA09 3 Ref Go to network
Clomethiazole (id: DB06470) N05CX04 3 Ref Go to network
Clomipramine (id: DB01242) N06AA04 3 Ref Go to network
Clonazepam (id: DB01068) N03AE01 3 Ref Go to network
Creatine (id: DB00148) None 3 Ref
Cycloserine (id: DB00260) J04AB01 3 Ref Go to network
Diazepam (id: DB00829) N05BA01 3 Ref Go to network
Diphenhydramine (id: DB01075) D04AA32 3 Ref Go to network
Donepezil (id: DB00843) N06DA52 3 Ref Go to network
Doxepin (id: DB01142) N06AA12 3 Ref Go to network
Duloxetine (id: DB00476) N06AX21 3 Ref Go to network
Lithium carbonate (id: DB14509) None 3 Ref
Fenretinide (id: DB05076) None 3 Ref
Flupentixol (id: DB00875) N05AF01 3 Ref Go to network
Fluphenazine (id: DB00623) N05AB02 3 Ref Go to network
Flurazepam (id: DB00690) N05CD01 3 Ref Go to network
Fluspirilene (id: DB04842) N05AG01 3 Ref Go to network
Fluoxetine (id: DB00472) N06CA03 3 Ref Go to network
Fluvoxamine (id: DB00176) N06AB08 3 Ref Go to network
Gabapentin (id: DB00996) N03AX12 3 Ref Go to network
Galantamine (id: DB00674) N06DA04 3 Ref Go to network
Glycine (id: DB00145) B05CX03 3 Ref Go to network
Hydroxyzine (id: DB00557) N05BB01 3 Ref Go to network
Imipramine (id: DB00458) N06AA02 3 Ref Go to network
Lacosamide (id: DB06218) N03AX18 3 Ref Go to network
Lamotrigine (id: DB00555) N03AX09 3 Ref Go to network
Levetiracetam (id: DB01202) N03AX14 3 Ref Go to network
Methotrimeprazine (id: DB01403) N05AA02 3 Ref Go to network
Lisdexamfetamine (id: DB01255) N06BA12 3 Ref Go to network
Lorazepam (id: DB00186) N05BA56 3 Ref Go to network
Maprotiline (id: DB00934) N06AA21 3 Ref Go to network
Melatonin (id: DB01065) N05CH01 3 Ref Go to network
Melperone (id: DB09224) N05AD03 3 Ref Go to network
Memantine (id: DB01043) N06DA52 3 Ref Go to network
Metformin (id: DB00331) A10BD23 3 Ref Go to network
Mianserin (id: DB06148) N06AX03 3 Ref Go to network
Midazolam (id: DB00683) N05CD08 3 Ref Go to network
Minocycline (id: DB01017) J01AA08 3 Ref Go to network
Mirtazapine (id: DB00370) N06AX11 3 Ref Go to network
Moclobemide (id: DB01171) N06AG02 3 Ref Go to network
Nicergoline (id: DB00699) C04AE02 3 Ref Go to network
Nitrazepam (id: DB01595) N05CD02 3 Ref Go to network
Nortriptyline (id: DB00540) N06AA10 3 Ref Go to network
Ondansetron (id: DB00904) A04AA01 3 Ref Go to network
Oxazepam (id: DB00842) N05BA04 3 Ref Go to network
Oxcarbazepine (id: DB00776) N03AF02 3 Ref Go to network
Oxygen (id: DB09140) V03AN01 3 Ref Go to network
Paroxetine (id: DB00715) N06AB05 3 Ref Go to network
Phenobarbital (id: DB01174) N05CB01 3 Ref Go to network
Phenytoin (id: DB00252) N03AB02 3 Ref Go to network
Pimavanserin (id: DB05316) N05AX17 3 Ref Go to network
Pimozide (id: DB01100) N05AG02 3 Ref Go to network
Pipamperone (id: DB09286) N05AD05 3 Ref Go to network
Pramipexole (id: DB00413) N04BC05 3 Ref Go to network
Pregabalin (id: DB00230) N03AX16 3 Ref Go to network
Promethazine (id: DB01069) R06AD52 3 Ref Go to network
Pyrimethamine (id: DB00205) P01BD01 3 Ref Go to network
Raloxifene (id: DB00481) G03XC01 3 Ref Go to network
Rivastigmine (id: DB00989) N06DA03 3 Ref Go to network
Sertindole (id: DB06144) N05AE03 3 Ref Go to network
Sertraline (id: DB01104) N06AB06 3 Ref Go to network
Sulpiride (id: DB00391) N05AL01 3 Ref Go to network
Temazepam (id: DB00231) N05CD07 3 Ref Go to network
Thioridazine (id: DB00679) N05AC02 3 Ref Go to network
Tiagabine (id: DB00906) N03AG06 3 Ref Go to network
Tiapride (id: DB13025) N05AL03 3 Ref Go to network
Topiramate (id: DB00273) N03AX11 3 Ref Go to network
Trazodone (id: DB00656) N06AX05 3 Ref Go to network
Triazolam (id: DB00897) N05CD05 3 Ref Go to network
Trimipramine (id: DB00726) N06AA06 3 Ref Go to network
Trospium (id: DB00209) A03DA06 3 Ref Go to network
SEP-363856 (id: DB15665) None 3 Ref
Valproic acid (id: DB00313) N03AG01 3 Ref Go to network
Varenicline (id: DB01273) N07BA03 3 Ref Go to network
Venlafaxine (id: DB00285) N06AX16 3 Ref Go to network
Zaleplon (id: DB00962) N05CF03 3 Ref Go to network
Zolpidem (id: DB00425) N05CF02 3 Ref Go to network
Zonisamide (id: DB00909) N03AX15 3 Ref Go to network
Zopiclone (id: DB01198) N05CF01 3 Ref Go to network
Zuclopenthixol (id: DB01624) N05AF05 3 Ref Go to network
Arginine (id: DB00125) V03AF11 2 Ref Go to network
Armodafinil (id: DB06413) N06BA13 2 Ref Go to network
Cannabidiol (id: DB09061) N03AX24 2 Ref Go to network
Carbidopa (id: DB00190) None 2 Ref
Celecoxib (id: DB00482) M01AH01 2 Ref Go to network
CX516 (id: DB06247) None 2 Ref
Dexmedetomidine (id: DB00633) N05CM18 2 Ref Go to network
Dextroamphetamine (id: DB01576) N06BA02 2 Ref Go to network
Dextromethorphan (id: DB00514) R05DA09 2 Ref Go to network
Encenicline (id: DB11726) None 2 Ref
Erteberel (id: DB07933) None 2 Ref
Estradiol (id: DB00783) G03FA16 2 Ref Go to network
Famotidine (id: DB00927) A02BA03 2 Ref Go to network
Fingolimod (id: DB08868) L04AA27 2 Ref Go to network
GTS-21 (id: DB05708) None 2 Ref
Icosapent (id: DB00159) None 2 Ref
JNJ-37822681 (id: DB12579) None 2 Ref
Levodopa (id: DB01235) N04BA03 2 Ref Go to network
Mardepodect (id: DB08387) None 2 Ref
Methotrexate (id: DB00563) L04AX03 2 Ref Go to network
Modafinil (id: DB00745) N06BA07 2 Ref Go to network
Pantoprazole (id: DB00213) A02BD04 2 Ref Go to network
Pavinetant (id: DB11692) None 2 Ref
Pitolisant (id: DB11642) N07XX11 2 Ref Go to network
Prednisolone (id: DB00860) D07AA03 2 Ref Go to network
Resveratrol (id: DB02709) None 2 Ref
Sapropterin (id: DB00360) A16AX07 2 Ref Go to network
Serine (id: DB00133) None 2 Ref
Tolcapone (id: DB00323) N04BX01 2 Ref Go to network
Tryptophan (id: DB00150) N06AX02 2 Ref Go to network
Valaciclovir (id: DB00577) J05AB11 2 Ref Go to network
Acetazolamide (id: DB00819) G01AE10 1 Ref Go to network
Roflumilast (id: DB01656) R03DX07 1 Ref Go to network
Ceftriaxone (id: DB01212) J01DD04 1 Ref Go to network
Cromoglicic acid (id: DB01003) R03AK05 1 Ref Go to network
Dronabinol (id: DB00470) A04AD10 1 Ref Go to network
Linagliptin (id: DB08882) A10BH05 1 Ref Go to network
Furosemide (id: DB00695) C03EB01 1 Ref Go to network
Ketamine (id: DB01221) N01AX03 1 Ref Go to network
Moxifloxacin (id: DB00218) S01AE07 1 Ref Go to network
Naltrexone (id: DB00704) N02AA56 1 Ref Go to network
Pentoxifylline (id: DB00806) C04AD03 1 Ref Go to network
Neoplasms Neoplasms C0027651 6-O-benzylguanine (id: DB11919) None 3 Ref
Amrubicin (id: DB06263) L01DB10 3 Ref Go to network
Cefazolin (id: DB01327) J01DB04 3 Ref Go to network
Efaproxiral (id: DB08486) L01XD06 3 Ref Go to network
Eltrombopag (id: DB06210) B02BX05 3 Ref Go to network
Epinephrine (id: DB00668) A01AD01 3 Ref Go to network
Estramustine (id: DB01196) L01XX11 3 Ref Go to network
Lonidamine (id: DB06266) L01XX07 3 Ref Go to network
Guanine (id: DB02377) None 3 Ref
Icotinib (id: DB11737) L01EB08 3 Ref Go to network
Iniparib (id: DB13877) None 3 Ref
Levobupivacaine (id: DB01002) N01BB10 3 Ref Go to network
Olanzapine (id: DB00334) N05AH03 3 Ref Go to network
Oxandrolone (id: DB00621) A14AA08 3 Ref Go to network
Plitidepsin (id: DB04977) L01XX57 3 Ref Go to network
Quizartinib (id: DB12874) L01EX11 3 Ref Go to network
Remifentanil (id: DB00899) N01AH06 3 Ref Go to network
Tapentadol (id: DB06204) N02AX06 3 Ref Go to network
Armodafinil (id: DB06413) N06BA13 2 Ref Go to network
Cannabidiol (id: DB09061) N03AX24 2 Ref Go to network
Hydralazine (id: DB01275) C02DB02 2 Ref Go to network
Linsitinib (id: DB06075) None 2 Ref
Levocarnitine (id: DB00583) A16AA01 2 Ref Go to network
Olmutinib (id: DB13164) L01EB06 2 Ref Go to network
Phosphorylcolamine (id: DB01738) None 2 Ref
Pralsetinib (id: DB15822) None 2 Ref
Tiotropium (id: DB01409) R03AL06 2 Ref Go to network
Ulixertinib (id: DB13930) None 2 Ref
13-deoxydoxorubicin (id: DB05706) None 1 Ref
2-Methoxyestradiol (id: DB02342) None 1 Ref
Abexinostat (id: DB12565) None 1 Ref
Acetaminophen (id: DB00316) N02BE71 1 Ref Go to network
Aldoxorubicin (id: DB06013) None 1 Ref
Alvespimycin (id: DB12442) None 1 Ref
Alvocidib (id: DB03496) None 1 Ref
Amifostine (id: DB01143) V03AF05 1 Ref Go to network
Amuvatinib (id: DB12742) None 1 Ref
Apomorphine (id: DB00714) G04BE07 1 Ref Go to network
Arginine (id: DB00125) V03AF11 1 Ref Go to network
Artemether (id: DB06697) P01BF01 1 Ref Go to network
Artesunate (id: DB09274) P01BE03 1 Ref Go to network
Asciminib (id: DB12597) None 1 Ref
AT-7519 (id: DB08142) None 1 Ref
AT9283 (id: DB05169) None 1 Ref
Becatecarin (id: DB06362) None 1 Ref
BMS-754807 (id: DB15399) None 1 Ref
Bryostatin 1 (id: DB11752) None 1 Ref
Bupropion (id: DB01156) A08AA62 1 Ref Go to network
Caffeine (id: DB00201) R03DA20 1 Ref Go to network
Calcitriol (id: DB00136) D05AX03 1 Ref Go to network
Captopril (id: DB01197) C09AA01 1 Ref Go to network
Carboxyamidotriazole (id: DB11960) None 1 Ref
Cedazuridine (id: DB15694) None 1 Ref
Cefixime (id: DB00671) J01DD08 1 Ref Go to network
Ceftriaxone (id: DB01212) J01DD04 1 Ref Go to network
Ciprofloxacin (id: DB00537) J01RA11 1 Ref Go to network
CPI-1205 (id: DB14581) None 1 Ref
2'-Deoxycytidine (id: DB02594) None 1 Ref
Dextromethorphan (id: DB00514) R05DA09 1 Ref Go to network
Dichloroacetic acid (id: DB08809) None 1 Ref
Diclofenac (id: DB00586) S01CC01 1 Ref Go to network
Digoxin (id: DB00390) C01AA05 1 Ref Go to network
Dofequidar (id: DB14067) None 1 Ref
Doxercalciferol (id: DB06410) H05BX03 1 Ref Go to network
Epigallocatechin gallate (id: DB12116) None 1 Ref
Epothilone D (id: DB01873) None 1 Ref
Esomeprazole (id: DB00736) A02BD06 1 Ref Go to network
Filanesib (id: DB06040) None 1 Ref
Fluvoxamine (id: DB00176) N06AB08 1 Ref Go to network
Gimatecan (id: DB06721) None 1 Ref
Linifanib (id: DB06080) None 1 Ref
Idronoxil (id: DB04915) None 1 Ref
Irofulven (id: DB05786) None 1 Ref
Isotretinoin (id: DB00982) D10AD04 1 Ref Go to network
Lansoprazole (id: DB00448) A02BC03 1 Ref Go to network
Metoprolol (id: DB00264) C07FB02 1 Ref Go to network
Montelukast (id: DB00471) R03DC03 1 Ref Go to network
Naphazoline (id: DB06711) R01AB02 1 Ref Go to network
Nelfinavir (id: DB00220) J05AE04 1 Ref Go to network
Onapristone (id: DB12637) None 1 Ref
OSI-930 (id: DB05913) None 1 Ref
Pantoprazole (id: DB00213) A02BD04 1 Ref Go to network
Paricalcitol (id: DB00910) H05BX02 1 Ref Go to network
Pelitinib (id: DB05524) None 1 Ref
Phenylephrine (id: DB00388) S01FB01 1 Ref Go to network
Pioglitazone (id: DB01132) A10BD09 1 Ref Go to network
Pomalidomide (id: DB08910) L04AX06 1 Ref Go to network
Posaconazole (id: DB01263) J02AC04 1 Ref Go to network
PR-104 (id: DB05968) None 1 Ref
Probenecid (id: DB01032) M04AB01 1 Ref Go to network
RAF-265 (id: DB05984) None 1 Ref
Resveratrol (id: DB02709) None 1 Ref
RO-4584820 (id: DB08094) None 1 Ref
Ribavirin (id: DB00811) J05AP01 1 Ref Go to network
Rubitecan (id: DB06159) None 1 Ref
Sagopilone (id: DB12391) None 1 Ref
Seliciclib (id: DB06195) None 1 Ref
Semaxanib (id: DB06436) None 1 Ref
Sildenafil (id: DB00203) G01AE10 1 Ref Go to network
SNS-314 (id: DB06134) None 1 Ref
Sotorasib (id: DB15569) None 1 Ref
Sulfamethoxazole (id: DB01015) J04AM08 1 Ref Go to network
Tirapazamine (id: DB04858) None 1 Ref
Tosedostat (id: DB11781) None 1 Ref
Trimethoprim (id: DB00440) J01EE03 1 Ref Go to network
Tryptophan (id: DB00150) N06AX02 1 Ref Go to network
Vadimezan (id: DB06235) None 1 Ref
Hiv Infections Infections C0019693 Acetaminophen (id: DB00316) N02BE71 3 Ref Go to network
Acyclovir (id: DB00787) J05AB01 3 Ref Go to network
Adefovir dipivoxil (id: DB00718) J05AF08 3 Ref Go to network
Albendazole (id: DB00518) P02CA03 3 Ref Go to network
Ampicillin (id: DB00415) J01CR50 3 Ref Go to network
Amprenavir (id: DB00701) J05AE05 3 Ref Go to network
Aplaviroc (id: DB06497) None 3 Ref
Atorvastatin (id: DB01076) C10BX15 3 Ref Go to network
Benzylpenicillin (id: DB01053) J01CR50 3 Ref Go to network
Cefixime (id: DB00671) J01DD08 3 Ref Go to network
Cholecalciferol (id: DB00169) M05BB09 3 Ref Go to network
Clotrimazole (id: DB00257) D01AC01 3 Ref Go to network
Codeine (id: DB00318) N02AA79 3 Ref Go to network
Dapsone (id: DB00250) D10AX05 3 Ref Go to network
Delavirdine (id: DB00705) J05AG02 3 Ref Go to network
Erythromycin (id: DB00199) J01FA01 3 Ref Go to network
Fluconazole (id: DB00196) J01RA07 3 Ref Go to network
Hydroxyurea (id: DB01005) L01XX05 3 Ref Go to network
Ibuprofen (id: DB01050) G02CC01 3 Ref Go to network
Levocarnitine (id: DB00583) A16AA01 3 Ref Go to network
Methadone (id: DB00333) N07BC02 3 Ref Go to network
Metoclopramide (id: DB01233) A03FA01 3 Ref Go to network
Metronidazole (id: DB00916) A02BD11 3 Ref Go to network
Miconazole (id: DB01110) A07AC01 3 Ref Go to network
Naltrexone (id: DB00704) N02AA56 3 Ref Go to network
Nonoxynol-9 (id: DB06804) None 3 Ref
Nystatin (id: DB00646) D01AA01 3 Ref Go to network
Ondansetron (id: DB00904) A04AA01 3 Ref Go to network
Paclitaxel (id: DB01229) L01CD01 3 Ref Go to network
Pentamidine (id: DB00738) P01CX01 3 Ref Go to network
Pyrimethamine (id: DB00205) P01BD01 3 Ref Go to network
Ribavirin (id: DB00811) J05AP01 3 Ref Go to network
Rosuvastatin (id: DB01098) C10BX10 3 Ref Go to network
Sulfamethoxazole (id: DB01015) J04AM08 3 Ref Go to network
Tenofovir (id: DB14126) None 3 Ref
Trimethoprim (id: DB00440) J01EE03 3 Ref Go to network
Zalcitabine (id: DB00943) J05AF03 3 Ref Go to network
Alendronic acid (id: DB00630) M05BB03 2 Ref Go to network
Acetylsalicylic acid (id: DB00945) B01AC06 2 Ref Go to network
Cannabidiol (id: DB09061) N03AX24 2 Ref Go to network
Carbamazepine (id: DB00564) N03AF01 2 Ref Go to network
Capravirine (id: DB08502) None 2 Ref
Capsaicin (id: DB06774) M02AB01 2 Ref Go to network
Chlorhexidine (id: DB00878) R02AA05 2 Ref Go to network
Chloroquine (id: DB00608) P01BA01 2 Ref Go to network
Clopidogrel (id: DB00758) B01AC04 2 Ref Go to network
Cysteamine (id: DB00847) A16AA04 2 Ref Go to network
Dronabinol (id: DB00470) A04AD10 2 Ref Go to network
Ergocalciferol (id: DB00153) A11CC01 2 Ref Go to network
Etonogestrel (id: DB00294) G03AC08 2 Ref Go to network
Etoricoxib (id: DB01628) M01AH05 2 Ref Go to network
Folic acid (id: DB00158) B03AE02 2 Ref Go to network
Galantamine (id: DB00674) N06DA04 2 Ref Go to network
Glycerin (id: DB09462) A06AX01 2 Ref Go to network
Hydroxychloroquine (id: DB01611) P01BA02 2 Ref Go to network
INCB-9471 (id: DB12960) None 2 Ref
Lenalidomide (id: DB00480) L04AX04 2 Ref Go to network
Levonorgestrel (id: DB00367) G03AB03 2 Ref Go to network
Losartan (id: DB00678) C09CA01 2 Ref Go to network
Lovastatin (id: DB00227) C10AA02 2 Ref Go to network
Lubiprostone (id: DB01046) A06AX03 2 Ref Go to network
Medroxyprogesterone acetate (id: DB00603) G03AA08 2 Ref Go to network
Mifepristone (id: DB00834) G03XB01 2 Ref Go to network
Miglustat (id: DB00419) A16AX06 2 Ref Go to network
Minocycline (id: DB01017) J01AA08 2 Ref Go to network
Mycophenolate mofetil (id: DB00688) None 2 Ref
Niacin (id: DB00627) C10AD02 2 Ref Go to network
Phenylbutyric acid (id: DB06819) A16AX03 2 Ref Go to network
Prasterone (id: DB01708) G03EA03 2 Ref Go to network
Pravastatin (id: DB00175) C10AA03 2 Ref Go to network
Prednisolone (id: DB00860) D07AA03 2 Ref Go to network
Prednisone (id: DB00635) A07EA03 2 Ref Go to network
Procaine (id: DB00721) N01BA52 2 Ref Go to network
Pyridoxine (id: DB00165) J04AM08 2 Ref Go to network
Pyridostigmine (id: DB00545) N07AA02 2 Ref Go to network
Ranitidine (id: DB00863) A02BA07 2 Ref Go to network
Rifapentine (id: DB01201) J04AB05 2 Ref Go to network
Rifaximin (id: DB01220) A07AA11 2 Ref Go to network
Rosiglitazone (id: DB00412) A10BD04 2 Ref Go to network
Ruxolitinib (id: DB08877) L01EJ01 2 Ref Go to network
Tamoxifen (id: DB00675) L02BA01 2 Ref Go to network
Telmisartan (id: DB00966) C09DB04 2 Ref Go to network
Thalidomide (id: DB01041) L04AX02 2 Ref Go to network
Valproic acid (id: DB00313) N03AG01 2 Ref Go to network
Vicriviroc (id: DB06652) None 2 Ref
Vorinostat (id: DB02546) None 2 Ref
16-Bromoepiandrosterone (id: DB05107) None 1 Ref
Acetylcholine (id: DB03128) S01EB09 1 Ref Go to network
Acitretin (id: DB00459) D05BB02 1 Ref Go to network
Aminohippuric acid (id: DB00345) V04CH30 1 Ref Go to network
Amlodipine (id: DB00381) C09XA54 1 Ref Go to network
Aprepitant (id: DB00673) A04AD12 1 Ref Go to network
Artemether (id: DB06697) P01BF01 1 Ref Go to network
Bryostatin 1 (id: DB11752) None 1 Ref
Bupivacaine (id: DB00297) N01BB01 1 Ref Go to network
Busulfan (id: DB01008) L01AB01 1 Ref Go to network
Caffeine (id: DB00201) R03DA20 1 Ref Go to network
Clarithromycin (id: DB01211) A02BD12 1 Ref Go to network
Cyclophosphamide (id: DB00531) L01AA01 1 Ref Go to network
Deferiprone (id: DB08826) V03AC02 1 Ref Go to network
Dextromethorphan (id: DB00514) R05DA09 1 Ref Go to network
Digoxin (id: DB00390) C01AA05 1 Ref Go to network
Diltiazem (id: DB00343) C08DB01 1 Ref Go to network
Dimethyl sulfoxide (id: DB01093) M02AX03 1 Ref Go to network
Dinitrochlorobenzene (id: DB11831) None 1 Ref
Dipyridamole (id: DB00975) B01AC07 1 Ref Go to network
Disulfiram (id: DB00822) P03AA04 1 Ref Go to network
Epigallocatechin gallate (id: DB12116) None 1 Ref
Estradiol (id: DB00783) G03FA16 1 Ref Go to network
Ethambutol (id: DB00330) J04AK02 1 Ref Go to network
Ethinylestradiol (id: DB00977) G03AA15 1 Ref Go to network
Ezetimibe (id: DB00973) C10BA02 1 Ref Go to network
Famotidine (id: DB00927) A02BA03 1 Ref Go to network
Flurbiprofen (id: DB00712) M02AA19 1 Ref Go to network
Foscarnet (id: DB00529) J05AD01 1 Ref Go to network
Gemfibrozil (id: DB01241) C10AB04 1 Ref Go to network
Hypericin (id: DB13014) None 1 Ref
Inosine (id: DB04335) G01AX02 1 Ref Go to network
Ixazomib (id: DB09570) L01XG03 1 Ref Go to network
Lamotrigine (id: DB00555) N03AX09 1 Ref Go to network
Leflunomide (id: DB01097) L04AA13 1 Ref Go to network
Levofloxacin (id: DB01137) J01MA12 1 Ref Go to network
Lumefantrine (id: DB06708) P01BF01 1 Ref Go to network
AMD-070 (id: DB05501) None 1 Ref
Mesalazine (id: DB00244) A07EC02 1 Ref Go to network
Metformin (id: DB00331) A10BD23 1 Ref Go to network
Methotrexate (id: DB00563) L04AX03 1 Ref Go to network
Metoprolol (id: DB00264) C07FB02 1 Ref Go to network
Midazolam (id: DB00683) N05CD08 1 Ref Go to network
Montelukast (id: DB00471) R03DC03 1 Ref Go to network
Moxifloxacin (id: DB00218) S01AE07 1 Ref Go to network
Norgestimate (id: DB00957) G03AA11 1 Ref Go to network
Omeprazole (id: DB00338) A02BC01 1 Ref Go to network
Oxazepam (id: DB00842) N05BA04 1 Ref Go to network
Panobinostat (id: DB06603) L01XH03 1 Ref Go to network
Peldesine (id: DB02568) None 1 Ref
Pentoxifylline (id: DB00806) C04AD03 1 Ref Go to network
PPL-100 (id: DB05961) None 1 Ref
Prasugrel (id: DB06209) B01AC22 1 Ref Go to network
Pyrazinamide (id: DB00339) J04AK01 1 Ref Go to network
Rifampicin (id: DB01045) J04AM02 1 Ref Go to network
Riociguat (id: DB08931) C02KX05 1 Ref Go to network
Simvastatin (id: DB00641) A10BH51 1 Ref Go to network
Sodium bicarbonate (id: DB01390) B05CB04 1 Ref Go to network
Valaciclovir (id: DB00577) J05AB11 1 Ref Go to network
Vorapaxar (id: DB09030) B01AC26 1 Ref Go to network
Voriconazole (id: DB00582) J02AC03 1 Ref Go to network
Multiple Myeloma Neoplasms C0026764 Bortezomib (id: DB00188) L01XX32 4 Ref Go to network
Melphalan (id: DB01042) L01AA03 4 Ref Go to network
Zoledronic acid (id: DB00399) M05BB08 4 Ref Go to network
Acetaminophen (id: DB00316) N02BE71 3 Ref Go to network
Amifostine (id: DB01143) V03AF05 3 Ref Go to network
Aprepitant (id: DB00673) A04AD12 3 Ref Go to network
Acetylsalicylic acid (id: DB00945) B01AC06 3 Ref Go to network
Carvedilol (id: DB01136) C07AG02 3 Ref Go to network
Clarithromycin (id: DB01211) A02BD12 3 Ref Go to network
Cytarabine (id: DB00987) L01BC01 3 Ref Go to network
Dexamethasone acetate (id: DB14649) None 3 Ref
Dexamethasone (id: DB01234) R01AD53 3 Ref Go to network
Diphenhydramine (id: DB01075) D04AA32 3 Ref Go to network
Enalapril (id: DB00584) C09BA02 3 Ref Go to network
Etoposide (id: DB00773) L01CB01 3 Ref Go to network
Ibandronate (id: DB00710) M05BA06 3 Ref Go to network
Idarubicin (id: DB01177) L01DB06 3 Ref Go to network
Ixazomib (id: DB09570) L01XG03 3 Ref Go to network
Lomustine (id: DB01206) L01AD02 3 Ref Go to network
Methylprednisolone (id: DB00959) D10AA02 3 Ref Go to network
Mycophenolate mofetil (id: DB00688) None 3 Ref
Nystatin (id: DB00646) D01AA01 3 Ref Go to network
Pamidronic acid (id: DB00282) M05BA03 3 Ref Go to network
Perifosine (id: DB06641) None 3 Ref
Plitidepsin (id: DB04977) L01XX57 3 Ref Go to network
Prednisolone (id: DB00860) D07AA03 3 Ref Go to network
Prednisone (id: DB00635) A07EA03 3 Ref Go to network
Ranitidine (id: DB00863) A02BA07 3 Ref Go to network
Tanespimycin (id: DB05134) None 3 Ref
Venetoclax (id: DB11581) L01XX52 3 Ref Go to network
Vorinostat (id: DB02546) None 3 Ref
2-Methoxyestradiol (id: DB02342) None 2 Ref
6-O-benzylguanine (id: DB11919) None 2 Ref
MK-1775 (id: DB11740) None 2 Ref
Afatinib (id: DB08916) L01EB03 2 Ref Go to network
Allopurinol (id: DB00437) M04AA01 2 Ref Go to network
Alvocidib (id: DB03496) None 2 Ref
Ascorbic acid (id: DB00126) G01AD03 2 Ref Go to network
AT9283 (id: DB05169) None 2 Ref
Azacitidine (id: DB00928) L01BC07 2 Ref Go to network
Belinostat (id: DB05015) L01XH04 2 Ref Go to network
Binimetinib (id: DB11967) L01EE03 2 Ref Go to network
Bryostatin 1 (id: DB11752) None 2 Ref
Celecoxib (id: DB00482) M01AH01 2 Ref Go to network
Chloroquine (id: DB00608) P01BA01 2 Ref Go to network
Clofarabine (id: DB00631) L01BB06 2 Ref Go to network
Crizotinib (id: DB08865) L01ED01 2 Ref Go to network
Dabrafenib (id: DB08912) L01EC02 2 Ref Go to network
Dasatinib (id: DB01254) L01XE06 2 Ref Go to network
Dovitinib (id: DB05928) None 2 Ref
Encorafenib (id: DB11718) L01EC03 2 Ref Go to network
Enzastaurin (id: DB06486) None 2 Ref
Epigallocatechin gallate (id: DB12116) None 2 Ref
Erdafitinib (id: DB12147) None 2 Ref
Everolimus (id: DB01590) L01XE10 2 Ref Go to network
Fenofibrate (id: DB01039) C10BA03 2 Ref Go to network
Filanesib (id: DB06040) None 2 Ref
Gemcitabine (id: DB00441) L01BC05 2 Ref Go to network
L-Glutamine (id: DB00130) A16AA03 2 Ref Go to network
Guanine (id: DB02377) None 2 Ref
Hydrocortisone (id: DB00741) S01CB03 2 Ref Go to network
Isotretinoin (id: DB00982) D10AD04 2 Ref Go to network
Leflunomide (id: DB01097) L04AA13 2 Ref Go to network
Leucovorin (id: DB00650) V03AF06 2 Ref Go to network
Metformin (id: DB00331) A10BD23 2 Ref Go to network
Methotrexate (id: DB00563) L04AX03 2 Ref Go to network
Methylprednisolone hemisuccinate (id: DB14644) None 2 Ref
Minocycline (id: DB01017) J01AA08 2 Ref Go to network
Mitoxantrone (id: DB01204) L01DB07 2 Ref Go to network
Montelukast (id: DB00471) R03DC03 2 Ref Go to network
Nelfinavir (id: DB00220) J05AE04 2 Ref Go to network
Oxygen (id: DB09140) V03AN01 2 Ref Go to network
Palonosetron (id: DB00377) A04AA55 2 Ref Go to network
Paclitaxel (id: DB01229) L01CD01 2 Ref Go to network
Prasterone (id: DB01708) G03EA03 2 Ref Go to network
Propranolol (id: DB00571) C07FX01 2 Ref Go to network
Pyridoxine (id: DB00165) J04AM08 2 Ref Go to network
Rivaroxaban (id: DB06228) B01AF01 2 Ref Go to network
Ruxolitinib (id: DB08877) L01EJ01 2 Ref Go to network
Selumetinib (id: DB11689) None 2 Ref
Semaxanib (id: DB06436) None 2 Ref
Simvastatin (id: DB00641) A10BH51 2 Ref Go to network
Sirolimus (id: DB00877) S01XA23 2 Ref Go to network
Sonidegib (id: DB09143) L01XJ02 2 Ref Go to network
Sorafenib (id: DB00398) L01XE05 2 Ref Go to network
Sunitinib (id: DB01268) L01XE04 2 Ref Go to network
Suramin (id: DB04786) P01CX02 2 Ref Go to network
Tacrolimus (id: DB00864) D11AH01 2 Ref Go to network
Tadalafil (id: DB00820) G04BE08 2 Ref Go to network
Talmapimod (id: DB05412) None 2 Ref
Temsirolimus (id: DB06287) L01XE09 2 Ref Go to network
Thiotepa (id: DB04572) L01AC01 2 Ref Go to network
Tivantinib (id: DB12200) None 2 Ref
Topotecan (id: DB01030) L01XX17 2 Ref Go to network
Trametinib (id: DB08911) L01EE01 2 Ref Go to network
Tretinoin (id: DB00755) D10AD51 2 Ref Go to network
Vandetanib (id: DB05294) L01EX04 2 Ref Go to network
Vatalanib (id: DB04879) None 2 Ref
Vemurafenib (id: DB08881) L01EC01 2 Ref Go to network
Vinorelbine (id: DB00361) L01CA04 2 Ref Go to network
Opaganib (id: DB12764) None 1 Ref
Abemaciclib (id: DB12001) L01EF03 1 Ref Go to network
Acalabrutinib (id: DB11703) L01EL02 1 Ref Go to network
Alisertib (id: DB05220) None 1 Ref
Alpelisib (id: DB12015) L01EM03 1 Ref Go to network
Amrubicin (id: DB06263) L01DB10 1 Ref Go to network
AT-7519 (id: DB08142) None 1 Ref
Atiprimod (id: DB05513) None 1 Ref
Atorvastatin (id: DB01076) C10BX15 1 Ref Go to network
Bexarotene (id: DB00307) L01XX25 1 Ref Go to network
SNS-032 (id: DB05969) None 1 Ref
Decitabine (id: DB01262) L01BC08 1 Ref Go to network
Cabozantinib (id: DB08875) L01EX07 1 Ref Go to network
Cladribine (id: DB00242) L04AA40 1 Ref Go to network
Cobimetinib (id: DB05239) L01EE02 1 Ref Go to network
2'-Deoxycytidine (id: DB02594) None 1 Ref
Disulfiram (id: DB00822) P03AA04 1 Ref Go to network
Docetaxel (id: DB01248) L01CD02 1 Ref Go to network
Enasidenib (id: DB13874) L01XX59 1 Ref Go to network
Erlotinib (id: DB00530) L01XE03 1 Ref Go to network
Fenretinide (id: DB05076) None 1 Ref
Fluphenazine (id: DB00623) N05AB02 1 Ref Go to network
Fluorouracil (id: DB00544) L01BC52 1 Ref Go to network
Fosaprepitant (id: DB06717) None 1 Ref
Hydroxychloroquine (id: DB01611) P01BA02 1 Ref Go to network
Icosapent (id: DB00159) None 1 Ref
Idelalisib (id: DB09054) L01EM01 1 Ref Go to network
Ifosfamide (id: DB01181) L01AA06 1 Ref Go to network
Imexon (id: DB05003) None 1 Ref
Iodine (id: DB05382) D08AG03 1 Ref Go to network
Midazolam (id: DB00683) N05CD08 1 Ref Go to network
Nelarabine (id: DB01280) L01BB07 1 Ref Go to network
Nintedanib (id: DB09079) L01EX09 1 Ref Go to network
Noscapine (id: DB06174) R05DA07 1 Ref Go to network
Obatoclax (id: DB12191) None 1 Ref
Palbociclib (id: DB09073) L01EF01 1 Ref Go to network
Paricalcitol (id: DB00910) H05BX02 1 Ref Go to network
Pioglitazone (id: DB01132) A10BD09 1 Ref Go to network
Pralatrexate (id: DB06813) L01BA05 1 Ref Go to network
Ridaforolimus (id: DB06233) L01EG03 1 Ref Go to network
Rimiducid (id: DB04974) None 1 Ref
Tipifarnib (id: DB04960) None 1 Ref
Vismodegib (id: DB08828) L01XJ01 1 Ref Go to network